What is the main cause of laziness How to overcome it — Health fitness blog

8 min readDec 8, 2021

Welcome to our website MBI and in this, we’re going to explore the main cause of laziness, and how to overcome laziness. This article will be useful to everyone. As it will help to understand the psychology of laziness, its nature, and its causes. Employers can understand when an employee is lazy, and employees can also understand when he is lazy. Some tips about teenagers, students. Without wasting time let’s dive and explore in detail.

Sometimes some people tend to procrastinate or not make an effort to do what they want or expect. The mechanism of laziness begins when our subconscious begins to classify the job or work to be done as unnecessary, resourceful, and time-consuming, even though the person consciously understands the importance and necessity of doing the job. This can be due to several reasons.

Major Factor of laziness

  • Laziness due to fear of responsibility
  • Laziness can cause fear of risk and failures
  • Laziness lack of motivation or depression
  • Lack of motivation
  • Laziness due to addiction to pleasure
  • Dependency can be a major cause of laziness
  • Parental Negligence
  • Peer or friends influences
  • Social media can cause laziness?
  • Emotion state
  • Action illusions

Laziness due to fear of responsibility

Fear of responsibility and accountability can be the main cause of laziness. To bring a given task to a successful conclusion, you need to take responsibility and be ready to give an account of what he is doing. In most cases, many do not want to work because they are afraid to be responsible for the result of a particular operation, and this makes them lazy. Therefore, we must work hard and be prepared for any situation, because hardworking people take responsibility.

Laziness can be due to fear of risk and failures

Many people become discouraged when they look at the risks of work. Because most people don’t want to lose something of value if they fail. Every useful job requires some sacrifice before the reward can be received. If you want to be successful in your life, you have to do something which is better than doing nothing. Losing something of value in order to gain something more valuable.

Laziness lack of motivation or depression

Depression can be another major cause of laziness. It is a state of mind with an inability to visualize a happy or bright future. Usually characterized by a lack of motivation and dissatisfaction with the previous task. Depressed people usually do not want to work due to a loss of hope and a lack of courage. While depression can be a sign of a problem, people may see you as lazy if you get depressed frequently.

Lack of motivation

Lack of motivation can also be a major contributor to laziness. In addition, it can be both internal and external. Intrinsic motivation is an intrinsic pursuit of your own satisfaction, pleasure, and benefit. Extrinsic motivation is an extrinsic incentive aimed at benefiting other people, such as friends, children from a family, acquiring wealth, or striving for promotion. Completing tasks that align with your goals often provides extrinsic motivation. If you do not know how you will benefit from the task at hand, then you may not be motivated to complete it.

Laziness due to addiction to pleasure

Those who like to devote a lot of time to rest and entertainment are usually lazier. They enjoy being in a place where they will receive a sense of temporary happy satisfaction and pleasure from activities or things that are used or intended for entertainment, not business. No doubt entertainment is necessary for our life but keeps in mind with the limit of time instead of doing every time. If you do so it can be a major cause of laziness.

Dependency can be a major cause of laziness

Living with an everyday need to care and expectation from someone can make a person lose themselves and their abilities. It makes some people lazy. Those who live dependent lives usually do not believe in themselves, which is why they are gripped by fear when asked to complete a task. They want others to do everything for them. But in this era, no one can help you all time. You should be active to do work because it’s for your benefit not for others.

Parental negligence

Some parents, for their part, failed to properly educate their children. Their failure led to laziness among the youth.

For example, autonomy is the most important motivator that can inspire someone to take action. Autonomy is the sense of control that people have over their own activities. Especially in academic affairs, if they want to study a subject, let them do it, instead of forcing them to choose the subject according to the wishes of their parents. Children who learn without parent force or pressure are more motivated. Those who fully embrace the value of learning are also more motivated. Controlling parents demoralize students who must learn regardless of whether they want to. These parents reduce their children’s motivation to learn, leaving boring students lazy.

Peer or friends influences

Laziness can spread like an airborne disease and can harm our future if we don’t get rid of it in time. This is especially true for students and adolescents. Teens and young adults who enjoy spending time with lazy people can easily become lazy if not properly managed. Peer interaction plays a unique role among adolescents.

Social media can cause laziness?

Yes, social media can be the main cause of laziness in our society. No doubt social media has a big positive impact on our community, but some topics are negative as well. Spending a lot of time on social media can lead to laziness, especially for teens who use social media all day. This generation of technology has made it even worse. Young people and young adults spend most of their time on social media and neglect important things, which contributes to their laziness.

Emotion state

There can be many emotional states that cause laziness. You may feel tired, hungry, or stressed, which leads to extreme laziness and may also be a reason not to start work. You can get started and feel overwhelmed if you haven’t planed what you need to do before proceeding with your task. You might be thinking, “I’ll wait until I’m in the right mood.” Doing boring or challenging tasks often will never leave you in the mood. Just accept the fact that you won’t feel good, but you still need to act in order to do something in order to get started.

Action illusions

You can do a lot of things at the same time, but you don’t make progress. Or planning and re-planning furiously, but making no real progress. You can prioritize other things and say to yourself, “This is more important right now,” when in fact you are avoiding higher priority tasks. So never do a lot of work at once, make them a priority for doing the first and then the other. The real reasons for procrastination can be masked by the illusion of being active that most people do so.

How to overcome laziness?

Be willing to learn to overcome laziness

We do not stop learning at any stage, either at school or after school. We must learn from our environment, from the people of society. In fact, life is the name of learning. We must be willing to learn from our parents and the people around us.

Go to the ant and learn, be wise

There are so many opportunities around us to learn good deeds, and we must be ready to learn. Learning can motivate and overcome laziness because you’ll find yourself busy with your work.

Make a plan to overcome laziness

Planning can help you overcome procrastination. Prioritize tasks and break them down into smaller parts complete the first one then the other as mentioned and explained above. Let’s say you’re a student! Plan your study time in shifts, from 30 minutes to two hours, with good breaks in between. Start and end your shifts on time to boost your motivation for the next shift! Each shift, no matter how small, brings you closer to your goal! If you’re struggling to start a shift, aim for 10 minutes devote 10 minutes to work and then reevaluate.

Reward yourself

Treat yourself to well-deserved breaks, a treat, or something special. Even after completing a small task, reward yourself because it will motivate you to achieve your life goals. Especially if you are constantly procrastinating and are now kicking the habit! Be kind to yourself and tell yourself. I am making great progress. It’s not easy, but I am reaching my goal. I am focused on what I need to do to achieve my goals.

Make good friends

You must obey your parents when they all give you godly instruction because they want you to succeed in your life. While they are teaching you, be able to do the job, etc. And pay close attention to them. Parents need to keep track of what kind of friends their children are with, and every teenager or young man should make sure he/she has the right friends. Because negative friends have a negative impact and can be dangerous to us.

Children, obey your parents, for this is God’s will for you

Obedience is better than sacrifice

Commit yourself to overcome laziness

Tell others about your goals and plan. But telling only those that are true friends, not all family members. Public commitment can increase motivation, but don’t fall for the “illusion of action,” as discussed earlier. Talking about your goals and plan does not lead to the same progress.

Eat good food to stay healthy

Not only good nutrition can play a vital role in our health, but also the feeling of freshness and wellness. Eat well, sleep well, and exercise. Strong health and energy are vital to motivation! Keep healthy snacks on hand, exercise raises endorphins and lowers stress hormones. See your doctor if you sleep poorly or feel lethargic, this could be the underlying problem.

Don’t excuse just do it!

Remember that nothing is impossible in this world if you want to start achieving your goals. Despite your thoughts and feelings, take action! Go on, tell yourself how well you are doing and it will be done. It always looks impossible until you do.

Keep expectation limited

If you don’t have the knowledge, skill, or time to perfect a task, be honest with yourself about it. Don’t have high hopes, which may not be possible for you. If you do this, you may be disappointed. Determine what’s realistic with the resources you have, set goals, and plan accordingly. Sometimes being perfect or even close to perfect is simply unattainable, and that’s life. Don’t worry about what others think, focus on things you can control that are realistic, honest, and kind to yourself.

Bottom line

Laziness is a quality of unwillingness to work or make an effort to achieve a goal. It is a dangerous disease that can ruin the future of young and promising teens and young people. This can happen when a person is truly capable of completing a particular task. A lazy person is not prone to stress, he never wants to use his physical or mental efforts. However, most sloths do not know/disagree that they are lazy, while some know but decide to live a lazy life. Laziness leads to indolence. This kills abilities and decreases productivity. Knowing the reasons for laziness will help you overcome it because the only way to overcome laziness is to understand its nature and, in particular, its causes.

Originally published at https://megabloginfo.com on December 8, 2021.




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